Category Archives: Super Eight A/N

Chapter Cautro Authors Note

Hey Phantoppies!
Sorry this is late but I was inΒ  a bit of a hurry in between getting out of class and ditching my next class.







Don’t look at me that way! The next class was SO boring! All I would have been doing was listening to a bunch of students (ones I particularly don’t like) present their crappy assignment. I could think of a MILLION better things to do. So I went and did a few of them.

Myself and two other friends who had similar feelings about said class ended up going to one of these said friends house and watching the American Pie movies. Not the newest ones- the old ones. Focusing on Jim, Oz, Kevin, Finch and of course the Stiffmiester.

Now I’m pretty sure I haven’t watched these movies since they first came out. And that I was pretty young at the time- bu watched them because that’s what my older siblings did. And me being the youngest HAD to try and join in.

Anyway, I forgot how DISGUSTING and RUDE those movies were! The ones nowadays are tame compared to the originals! Its amazing! I giggled my Mother-Fucking-Ass-Off… the alcohol probably made things funnier as well.

But I was just reminded of how GREAT the nineties were.








Anyway, I should probably talk about the chapter.

So some of you may think that Bonnie is being a bit of a bitch. She’s not- she’s just protective.Β  You’ll see why eventually.

And Ramin? Well I sort of want to know YOUR feelings on how you think I am taking the relationship between him and Abby.
Oh and where do you think he is taking Miss Abby? I’d love to know.

This is just a quick post, I have to get ready for roller derby practice. Speaking of which, you guys want to suggest some names for me? Its got to be a play on words, for example: Smashly Simpson, Peaches and Scream, Bloody Dolly and (my personal favorite) Jaba the Slut.
Let me know your suggestions!



Filed under Super Eight A/N

Authors Note for Chapter Tress

Hey Guys!
So I know this post is a little early, but I am so busy tomorrow, I knew I wouldn’t have time to do it! So I figure you guys would rather it be a day early that a day late.





(Oh Tom Hiddleson I love you!!!)

Anyway, the story is beginning to take more of a shape now. There’s more Ramin in this chapter.








(I need more Ramin GIFS- Can’t keep using this one)

Anyway, I’m a little concerned about how quickly the Ramin and Abby stuff is moving.
But I want you guys to know that their relationship is not based on love. Its based on intrigue.
Sure love will come later, given the time and chance, but at the moment its all (to paraphrase one of my favourite musicals):
“You’re amazing”
You’re amazing!”
“So we’re amazing together”






So, now that I have cleared that up, I wanted to give you guys some visuals. This resulted because of my having to wait around at Uni for half and hour: access to the internet + my boredom = not good.

Bonnie’s Dress and Shoes


















Cass’s Dress and Shoes


















Abby’s Dress and Shoes
















As always, if you guys imagine something different, that’s fine too. But these dresses are close to what I imagine πŸ™‚

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. As always let me know what you think.
Bye for now, not forever.
Happy Days!


Filed under Super Eight A/N

Authors Note for Chapter Dos

So Super Eight is out of Hiatus- YAY!




Yeah I thought you’d all be excited.

Anyway, getting invited backstage to meet the cast of a Broadway Show? Isn’t that just everyone’s dream come true?






This story is going to move pretty fast- just a heads up.

But I’m curious to know what you all think about the story, its realism, what you want to happen, that sort of thing.

Anyways, I have class now. Must dash.

But a shout out must go to: K.Wade, Fairyteyla, AstonMartin and ToriDarcy for their love for this story brought it out of Hiatus. And their comments.

Bye for now, not forever.
Happy days!


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Filed under Super Eight A/N

Authros Note Chapter Uno

So, I know it has been a long time since I posted anything for this story but if people show interest in this story I’ll update a little more regularly.

So I know the first chapter wasn’t very explanatory but it sets the scene for you and I bet you are all intruiged right? Right? Am I right?
Well I hope you are.

But I figure that Ramin fans will find this story interesting, I mean the man is gorgeous and has a voice that just makes you melt!

I worked hard on this so you people better like it!
If you dont, tell me anyway! πŸ™‚


P.S the reason the chapters for this story are numbered in Italian is… well the main character, the girl in the purple dress, is Italian. Yeah, that will work! πŸ™‚

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Filed under Super Eight A/N